Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA)

Expiration Date Member Last First
12/26/2028 Weidman Tom
12/14/2029 Mitchell Mayme
12/30/2029 Watson Bernadette



CMHA provides quality, affordable housing for low- to moderate-income families. CMHA serves more than 13,800 residents in neighborhoods throughout Hamilton County and the Housing Choice Voucher Program provides affordable housing options for 7,100 families. Most residents served by CMHA are elderly and working families. The Board makes all operational and budgetary decisions regarding the use of federal funds allocated for housing. Ohio Revised Code, Section 3735.69

Establishing Authority:

CMHA was established in December of 1933 under the provisions of the Ohio Housing Authority Law. Ohio Revised Code, Section 3735.27 (A) - Ohio Housing Authority Law.


Five year terms, without compensation.




Mr. Gregory D. Johnson, Chief Executive Officer
Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority
1627 Western Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio, 45214

Phone: (513) 977-5661
Fax: (513) 665-3106