Subdivision Administration

The Subdivision Administration Staff works with landowners who want to divide their property into multiple lots. You can apply for two different kinds of subdivisions in Hamilton County:

Minor Subdivision

A minor subdivision, sometimes called a “cut-up” or “lot split” is the division of a property into no more than five separate lots. Typically this type of subdivision does not include construction of public improvements such as roads, sewer extensions, or water lines. Our staff reviews minor subdivision proposals within seven working days after you submit a complete application.

Major Subdivision

A major subdivision is a large and complex project that could include hundreds of lots and large investments in public improvements. Depending on where your property is located, a major subdivision proposal could require review and approval by different boards, departments, and elected officials. How long this takes depends on the complexity of the project, the particular circumstances of the property, and different regulations that may apply. From pre-application meeting to final record plat approval, our staff is here to guide you step-by-step through the entire process.

Subdivision Forms

Rules and Regulations

Subdivision of Land   - Hamilton County Planning Commission

“Rules and Regulations for Subdivision of the Regional Planning Commission for Plats and Subdivision for Plats and Subdivision of Land within the Unincorporated Territory of Hamilton County.”