Rural Zoning Commission (RZC)

Expiration Date Member Last First  
10/15/2025 James Craig  
10/15/2026 Steinriede David  
10/15/2027 Scheck Bryan Alternate
10/15/2027 Linneman Brian  
10/15/2028 Schlafman Mark  
10/15/2029 Abercrombie Craig  



The county rural zoning commission shall submit a plan, including both text and maps, representing the recommendations of the zoning commission for the carrying out by the board of county commissioners (BOCC) of the powers, purposes, and provisions set forth in Sections 303.01 to 303.99 of the Ohio Revised Code, including additions to territory in which a county zoning plan is in effect.

Establishing Authority:

Ohio Revised Code, Section 303.04 and by Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners approved on May 21, 2003.


The board of county commissioners of any county proceeding under sections 303.01 to 303.25 of the Ohio Revised Code, shall create and establish a county rural zoning commission. Each regular or alternate member shall serve until the member's successor is appointed and qualified.


The terms of the regular members shall be of such length and so arranged that the term of one member will expire each year. Alternate member terms are not to exceed five (5) years from the date of appointment. Meetings are held every third Thursday, 1:00 PM 138 E. Court Street, Room 805B, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202.


Bryan Snyder, Zoning Administrator
138 E Court Street, Room 801
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Phone: (513) 946-4464
Fax: (513) 946-4475

For more information on meeting schedules, bylaws, or mission and vision, click here...