What is BOLD?

BOLD Initiative
Building Opportunities by Leveraging Diversity

BOLD is Hamilton County's Economic Inclusion Initiative to help ensure inclusion and diversity success in Hamilton County operations such as staff recruitment, hiring and advancement, and in Hamilton County's purchasing and procurement opportunities with local small businesses.

For Hamilton County operations, departments are asked to develop an inclusion plan that furthers inclusion and diversity among their staff and ensures that the County continues to be an equal opportunity employer.

For Hamilton County procurement and purchasing activities, BOLD provides recruitment and support to small businesses to increase their overall ability to compete for the vast economic opportunities offered by the County, while maintaining fair and open competition in the purchasing of goods and services.

The BOLD Vendor List is transitioning to an online format hosted though B2Gnow's platform, and we would like to invite all businesses (regardless of any prior registration with EIED or Purchasing) to register to our new online vendor list! We plan to discontinue the use of the County's previous vendor lists, so it is essential that anyone looking to stay connected to opportunities with Hamilton County register online.

To register to Hamilton County's Online Vendor List businesses will need to go to Hamilton County's Purchasing and Inclusion Management site with B2Gnow, log in to their profile or create a new account, and then register to become a vendor with Hamilton County. EIED has this recorded vendor training available for anyone who has any questions about how to register.

Questions about your account, login information, or technical issues can be addressed through the "Customer Support" link on the Hamilton County Purchasing and Inclusion Management landing page.

BOLD supports two key Hamilton County policies:

Purchasing & Procurement Policy

In its efforts to promote small business participation in Hamilton County projects, it is the policy of the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners that no contracting decision or contract award shall be based upon race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age or other unlawful basis. However, Hamilton County is an equal business opportunity governmental entity, and has always provided and will continue to provide, equal business opportunities.

Human Resources Policy

Hamilton County is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All employees shall be treated in a fair and equitable manner based solely upon merit, fitness and such other occupational qualifications as each individual might possess.

Personnel actions or decisions concerning any term or condition of employment shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or other non-job related criteria.


In addition, BOLD consists of:

  • County-wide training and support programs for departmental work team focused on improving Inclusion within the County.

  • An Inclusion Dashboard that reports quarterly on the overall and diverse spending of Hamilton County Departments.

  • Submission of Inclusion Plans as a requirement of all bids, quotes, and proposals solicited by the County.

  • Educational workshops for small and other businesses on "How to Do Business with Hamilton County".

  • Training for small businesses on bonding, financing, business planning, business technology, and business partnerships, provided by local business development and support organizations in the County.

  • Presentations by large contractors and primes on their expectations of subcontractors, how their business process works, and how to effectively respond to their solicitations.

  • "Match-Maker" events where larger contractors can meet, exchange information and get to know smaller contractors from throughout Hamilton County and the Region.

  • An organizational-wide Vendors List of small businesses as well as other types of companies that wish to do business with Hamilton County.